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For us - this camera is a rarity, one originally bought purely for use. As it needs to be sent off for processing its hardly a permanent addition to our collection - however it has enough novelty value to feature on our new Novelty & Toy Camera shelf.
Lens Type
Focal Length
Maximum Aperture
Film Type
35mm perforated film strip
Picture Size
Flash Sync
Filter size
Not Applicable
This picture was taken with an Epson PhotoPC 650 digital camera.
This is the original box packaging for the Ultra Sport. The country of origin is the USA - and the film loaded is Kodak Ultra Film. Film speed probably 400ASA with 27 shots loaded. No option to reload. Camera case is waterproof down to 10m. Whilst the camera/film was made in the US - Kodak don't sell this one there - although it is currently on the Kodak UK website.
We never did use this camera underwater - but it proved quite useful on the beach where normal cameras will suffer badly from sand. Here is a photo of Caroline and Benjamin on the beach at St Ives, September 2003 - taken with this camera.
However here is an excellent shot very kindly sent to us by Richard Fleming. As Richard says - it shows these cameras actually do work underwater.
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