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Olympus PEN D

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The Olympus PEN D is a Japanese made
half frame compact from the 1960's. Olympus and the PEN range are the most famous of the half frame cameras made and no half frame collection could be complete without at least one example. For some people the PEN camera range is the start, middle and end of half frame and other makes are not considered worthy contenders.

This PEN D has seen better days as it is quite worn and its optics are noticeably scratched. However it still does work well and is a handy camera to take around. The main disadvantage is the lack of an accessory shoe for attaching a
rangefinder or flash.

In 1963 an Olympus PEN D would have cost (pounds, shillings and pence) £32 11s 0d including its pouch case and strap. This equates to a massive £407(!) at Year 2000 prices, but expect to pay more like £30 for one in good working order.

Photo of Olympus PEN D


Lens Type

Zuiko (coated)

Focal Length

3.2cm (32mm)

Maximum Aperture


Film Type

35mm standard cassette

Picture Size



7 speed Copal-X + B

Flash Sync


Self Timer


This picture was taken with a Epson PhotoPC650 camera.

Top plate of Olympus PEN D

 This photo clearly shows the uncoupled exposure meter on the top of the camera. Exposure Values (EV) are read off here and set on the lens mount.

This picture was taken with an Epson PhotoPC650 camera.

Arundel Castle, Sussex, UK


This is Arundel castle in Sussex, UK.

This picture was taken on Tura 100 slide film and rephotographed with an
Epson PhotoPC650 camera from a lightbox.

ABC Cinema, Reading, Berkshire, UK

This is the old ABC cinema in Reading, UK shortly after it was closed down. The building stood for a couple of years empty and it was hoped to reopen it as an Arts Cinema. The Art Deco front certainly seemed worth saving - however it wasn't to be :-(

This picture was taken on Tura 100 slide film and rephotographed with an
Epson PhotoPC650 camera from a lightbox.

The final destruction of the ABC cinema, Reading, Autumn 2003


The final destruction of the ABC cinema, Reading, Autumn 2003.

This picture was taken on a Sagem myX-6 mobile phone/camera.

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