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The chances are if you've come here looking for information on your Agfa Silette - then this isn't the camera you have been looking for. Agfa made an enormous number of different cameras from about 1953 to early 1970's with the label 'Silette' on them. Caroline and I have many different Silette cameras so if you are after more information about a different Silette it is still worth getting in contact with us.
In addition - Konuma Toshiyuki from Japan has built a very good site that lists some of the Agfa Silette models:
Konuma Toshiyuki's camera site
The example pictured below was introduced in 1958 and is a transition model between the all metal Silettes of the 1950's and the metal and plastic ones of the 1960's. It is in fact all metal still but has the much smoother lines of the early 1960's metal and plastic ones. This one was probably made for the UK market place as the focus is marked in feet.
This particular Silette was being advertised in the UK in 1959/60 as the Silette Brightline - by the dealer Wallace Heaton. The reference "Brightline" refers to its viewfinder which had the now familiar lines showing the boundaries of the image. The price was (pounds, shillings and pence) £21 0s 9d. This would equate to nearly £300 at Year 2000 prices. A more realistic value is £5-£10 now in good working order.
Lens Type
3 element (coated) Color Apotar
Focal Length
Maximum Aperture
Film Type
35mm standard cassette
Picture Size
9 speed Prontor-SVS + B
Flash Sync
X and M
Self Timer
This picture was taken with a Epson PhotoPC 650 digital camera.
The above 2 photos were taken with this Silette at Virginia Waters in the UK during a visit in February 2001. The weather was damp and the lighting poor. Film was out of date 200 speed print film, however the light meter was set to 100 speed as the other camera being used was the Russian Iskra folding camera which had 100 speed film loaded.
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